
Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

My 2010

My 2010 was SUCK!!

start from January, I leaved my office. it means I wouldn't receive money...
why I leaved?? Beacuse I need prepare my self for National Exam for Senior high school.

In March, National Exam coming to town!! and I'm not ready for this.. and in April, I've got the result. I've got bad score in Math. my average just 6!! how stupid =..=

In May, Juny, and July, GETTING WORSE. I didn't pass a lot of university entrance exam.

But in August, I've got a good news from UNJ (University of Jacatra) and UIN (Islamic University) . you can see on my lastest post at here.
but, I wrote it on Indonesian languange.

Good news. but BAD effects. I choose to UIN.
In September, I started study in UIN, Communication and Da'wa Faculty, Journalistic Departement. I thought I can be great student in here. Cause I love to writing news.
but in first semester, I've got a lot of religious subjects. and I'm not religion person...

In October until December, my condition getting worse.. *just my besties who knows about it*

Just one best part in 2010. I met a lot of new friends. I've got it from kpop community and twitter ;p

How about your 2010??

Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

chit chat with the next top models :)


Me: *confusing* apanya??

He says: kejar impian kita

a simple words. but, it smacked my face. and touched my heart.


a thousand thanks to you, Rhein.
I know. someday we meet again at the backstage in the biggest fashion event at that time.

YOU, as male models who's catwalking and dress up with a masterpiece from famous designer.

ME, as Korean artist who's invited to that event.

YES. we can reach our dream.

and thanks God, you give me an awesome boy friend :)

ps: well, maybe I can have a fashion photoshoot with you, the next TOP MODEL AROUND THE WORLD, Rhein?? LOL

Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Tutor please!!




I'll crazy right now. with all this network society..


my english sooooooooo bad!!

okay. this is my newest wordpress. click here

Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

Nice Dream, honey.

Berdoalah sebelum kau tertidur

Agar malam ini kau mimpi indah

dan Esok harinya mimpi itu jadi kenyataan


Thanks God, Doaku terjawab

Lagi main twitter, tau-tau temen gue si Grace update status "Puji Tuhan, S1 PAUD UNJ". Naah, setau gue pengumumannya besok.

Gue tanya lah dia "emang pengumumannya hari ini??bukannya besok?".

katanya : "engga meeell. hari ini tauu"

nah lo. darderdor deh hati gue degdegan >_<

Grace: "Mel, nomer ujian lo berapa?? sini gue liatin"

noooooooooo gimana kalo gue ga keterima?? maluuu

UTUL ga dapet. UMB ga dapet. SNMPTN ga dapet.
kalo UNJ ga dapet juga??

mana PC lagi dipake sama adek gue pula =..=


Grace: "mel selamat yaa. elo dapet pendidikan seni rupa"

dan besoknya, gue dapet berita kalau gue juga keterima di UIN jurusan Jurnalistik.

Thanks God.. finally.. :')
*crying of happiness*

Why do I love Them??

Why do I love Super Junior??

It's because...

...there's no angel who lived on earth, except Leeteuk.

..."The Most Beautifull Man In The World" award, grabbed by Heechul

...Hangkyung was great in dancing and cooking.

...I saw the most funny octopus dance from Yesung, the turtle.

...Kangin is number 1 handsome Racoon in South Korea.

...there's a talented Teddy Bear, Shindong.

...Sungmin always look cute, even his age more 20.

...there's a talkative dancing-monkey-machine, Eunhyuk.

...Zhoumi is a model-wannabe, but he choose to be an idol.

...Donghae is a good looking fish who can singing, and dancing.

...there's a handsome and sexiest horse, Siwon.

...I've heard most unique voice from Ryeowook.

...my heartbeat always stopped, when I see 'killer smile' from Kibum.

...I've heard an angelic voice, from the devil Kyuhyun.

...Henry is the cutest violinist ever I know.

I love them. Because their personalities. Their attitude. So, what a reason for you??

engkau sakit hati lagi?

Ooh … engkau sakit hati lagi?

Kecewa, patah hati, dunia menjadi kelam kelabu dan hidup ini tak menarik lagi...

kecuali untuk nelangsa karena engkau diperlakukan tak adil?

Memang meletihkan jika hidup ini hanya untuk menjelaskan bahwa engkau orang baik dan niatmu baik.

Tersenyumlah dalam linangan air matamu.

Engkau jiwa kecintaan Tuhan.

Tidak mungkin engkau disedihkan, tanpa rencana pembahagiaanmu.

-Mario Teguh-

Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

Part of Their World

What would I give
To live where you are?
What would I pay
To stay here beside you?
What would I do to see you
Smiling at me

Where would we walk?
Where would we run?
If we could stay all day in the sun?

Just you and me
And I could be
Part of your world

I don't know when
I don't know how

But I know something's starting right now

Watch and you'll see
Some day I'll be Part of your world

Ost from The Little Mermaid, from Walt Disney.

. coba bayangin, "you" di situ di ganti sama biasmu.
and thinking about that song.
For me, it really touching. TT________TT

Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010

With Intan, via twitter

Well, ini cerita-cerita gue sebagai fangirl. Yah ini mah buat bercanda-bercandaan dan iseng-isengan doang.

Jadi buat istrinya, pacarnya, mantannya, (yah terserah deh elo siapanya) pria-pria ganteng yang akan saya sebut-sebut di sini, JANGAN MARAH YAAA.

Temen gue ini namanya Intan, kenalan lewat twitter.

Nah, waktu itu si Intan (kayaknya) lagi sakit. Dia nge tweets "pengen muntah" , "adu eneg", dan lain-lain (yah pokoknya nunjukin kalo dia lagi sakit dan pengen muntah).


Intan : Haaah zhou mi, helepp! Helepp! Istrimu ini mau muntah!! kt Zhou mi : Dih, siapa elu??

Gue iseng. kikikik. Gue hapus "
kt Zhou mi : Dih, siapa elu??"

Dan gue tulis..
Gue :
kata zhoumi: akhirnya kamu hamil, sayaang!!

Intan : *terbang ke angkasa* (?) u,u

Gue : aku iri padamuu. aku juga pengen di hamilin sama Umin /plak. (Umin= Super Junior Sungmin)

Intan :
minta atuh sama uminnya, udah kawin kan? Kekeke

Gue : udah siih. tapi dia ga mau. katanya takut kalah imut sama baby-nya.

Intan :
#tanyakenapa. Ah sungmin aneh2 aja. Bilang dong "pah, masa km ga mau punya anak?" *digebukin*

Gue : Oke deh! kalo dia tetp ga mau nanti gue bilang "yaudah aku kawin sama Zhoumi ajah. Tuh temenku anaknya udah 2, kawin sama Zhoumi." *lari*

Intan :
mwo?! Sama zhou mi? ANDWAE! *kejar*

Gue : *ngeliatZhoumi. "Zhoumi Oppaaa. Istri mu ngejar-ngejar akuuuu". Zhoumi: "istriku, kamu kan lagi hamil, kalo brojol pas kamu lari gimana hayooo??"

Intan : me : oh iya ya jagi~, aku lp, ga jadi lari deh. ZM : yaudah, ayo pulang

Gue : *Umindatang* Umin: istrikuu ayodeh kita bikin baby. aku ga rela kalo kamu sama Zhoumiiii. Gue: kekeke.aku minta maap ya, fellas. semoga baby-nya sehat.

Maklum aja yaa. orang yang lagi fangirling emang gila.

Yak sekali lagi gue mohon maklum dari istrinya, pacarnya, mantannya (atau siapanya deh terserah elo) dari Super Junior Sungmin dan Super Junior Zhou Mi, gue mohon pengertiannya (atas kegilaan gue dan temen gue si Intan). Yah namanya juga artis. MILIK SEMUA ORANG.

Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

Leeteuk and Kyuhyun

Leeteuk = Leader
Kyuhyun = Maknae

gue pernah liat ada gambar Kyuhyun senderan di bahunya Leeteuk. dan sumpah demi apapun itu gambar romantis bangeeet. tapi bego'nya gue,,, gue lupa buat saved tu gambar!!! TIDAAAKK!!

okeoke gue cari dulu yah gambarnya. kali aja ketemu.

Senin, 26 Juli 2010

Gee!! my Baby! Noooo

well sebenernya gue punya lagu ini udah lama. tapi berhubung jiwa dancer gue bangkit dari alam kubur (mati suri 2 tahun bokk),, dan gue lagi suka Kpop, ya sudah lah gue belajar nari lagii.

Dan saya putuskan,, untuk belajar dance nya SNSD!! Gee!!

Mel?? kenapa Gee coba??
Tadi nya sih gue pingin dance-nya
Super Junior
atau SHINee yang Ring Ding Dong

Setelah gue pikir-pikir,,
"waduuh. Dance cowok kayaknya susah yaaa??. wess lah eike belajar dance nya SNSD yang Gee aja! kayaknya GAMPANG."

ternyataaa.. pas gue coba,, najisamitamitcuih!! kaki gue belibet pas bagian Chorus-nya!!

Yah sepertinya gue ga akan ngeremehin girlband lagi.

Silahkan anda coba sendiri kalo ga percaya!! nih Link nya

SNSD Gee dance Tutorial (step by step) part 1

SNSD Gee dance Tutorial (step by step) part 2

SNSD Gee dance Tutorial (step by step) part 3

SNSD Gee dance Tutorial (Slow Motion)

Naahh kalo udah coba silahkan komennya fellas!!